Collaboration Corner

Welcome GO Collaborators!

GO Seed’s varieties are developed and marketed through rigorous scientific investigation, with much of the work performed by third party research organizations. We encourage the comparison of our products to competitors and trials in real farm settings to assess their performance in innovative systems. We look forward to discussing your ideas and using our shared expertise in soil health, varietal strengths, and markets, to be collaborative partners in your research program or trial. 

We are actively seeking systems-based research projects in collaboration with farmers, researchers, and land managers. You’ll be asked to communicate during decision making processes, to follow specified protocols, and to agree to collect samples for analysis. We are particularly interested in working with academic collaborators who have research questions that are designed to overcome production challenges using plant, animal, soil, and microbial based solutions. 

Please select the button below that describes you best and let’s GO collaborate!

Current Collaborations:

USDA-ARS, Corvallis,  Dr. Jen Moore – Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics from FIXatioN Balansa Clover and eNhance Persian Clover

Purdue University, Dr. Shalamar Armstrong – Several Trials related to Agronomics of FIXatioN Balansa Clover

South Dakota State University, Dr. Kristopher Osterloh – GO Experimental Falcata Alfalfa Establishment and N credits

South Dakota State University, Dr. Kristine Lang – Perennial Legume Cover Crops in Vegetable Production

University of Wyoming, Dr. Anowar Islam – Irrigated and Dryland forage value of Falcata and Sainfoin

Michigan State University, Dr. Kim Cassida – Project Green – Intercropping Alfalfa and Corn Silage to Build Soil Health

Ohio State University, Dr. V. Ryan Haden – Herbicide Management for Perennial Legume Cover Crops

USDA Climate Smart Commodities Project with Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation – Climate Smart Wheat Grown with Cover Crop Seed Production

Oregon State University – Dr. Abigail Tomasek and Nik Wiman – Overcoming barriers to cover crop production in Hazelnut Orchards

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