Farmer Collaboration


We are actively seeking research focused farmers who want to test innovative solutions to production challenges. You would provide the idea, labor, and equipment to run the trial. We provide the seed, help to develop the idea into a scientific question, and work with you to create the experimental design with sampling plans and protocols. A completed application will be required a minimum of one month before seeds are to be planted. Prior to planting, the objectives, methods, and analyses will be discussed and edited with the GO Seed research team. Send your initial idea to GO Seed as soon as possible as we expect the research plan development to take at least one month. Here’s how to proceed:

Step 1: Complete the Agreement.

Step 2: Complete the Project Summary to share your research idea and the Seed Request Form

Step 3: E-mail completed forms to GO Seed’s Director of Research, Dr. Shannon Cappellazzi.

Step 4: Please be patient as Dr. Cappellazzi reviews your proposal. You should expect to hear from Shannon within a week of submitting your Project Summary! If your proposal is accepted Shannon will work with you to develop a plan to move forward that will include:

  • Experimental design summary
  • Management methods
  • Analytical methods

Let’s GO Collaborate!

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