There are several cover crop benefits that lead to healthier soil and bigger yields. Increases in soil organic matter have lead to improvements in soil structure, stability, and nutrient holding capacity for plant growth. Discover more cover crop benefits below.


Nematode Control

Crop-damaging nematodes and soil-borne pests can be controlled by the proper use of specific cover crops.
The natural biochemicals exuded from certain varieties suppress the growth of nematodes by inducing the eggs to hatch prematurely without a suitable food source. This causes them to starve and interrupts the reproductive cycle.
Biofumigation, which occurs when certain varieties release high levels of glucosinates into the soil, can also mitigate soil-borne pests.

Nematode Control Radish, Mustard

Water Management

Water Management

Water infiltration is improved with the use of cover crops. When a field lays fallow for a period of time, the surface tends to seal, and water will run off. Cover crops protect the soil’s surface, reduce sealing, and can improve drainage of wet soils. Organic matter added by cover crops can hold moisture in the soil profile for use by the following crop.

Annual Ryegrass, Daikon Radish, Balansa Clover, Hairy Vetch, Berseem Clover, Mustard, BuckwheatNematode Control Radish, Cereal Rye, Winter Peas


Nitrogen Contribution


Weed Suppression

A dense stand of the right cover crops can suppress weeds by soil shading. Some species also have allelopathic qualities, which naturally inhibit weed growth. Allelopathy refers to the beneficial (or harmful) effects of one plant on another plant, both crop and weed species, through the release of chemicals from plant parts (by leaching).

Annual Ryegrass, Daikon Radish, Balansa Clover, Hairy Vetch, Berseem Clover, Mustard, BuckwheatNematode Control Radish, Cereal RyePhacelia, Crimson Clover, Winter Peas


Forage Enhancement

Cover crops can feed not only organisms below ground but also those above ground – your livestock. Double up on the benefits by planting crops like annual ryegrass, balansa clover, nematode control radish, daikon radish, crimson clover, or medium red clover.

Annual RyegrassHairy Vetch, Balansa CloverMustard, Berseem CloverNematode Control Radish, Cereal RyePhacelia, Crimson CloverWinter Peas, Daikon Radish


Quick Growth

Often, cover crops are planted toward the end of the growing season. For this reason, cover crop species that establish quickly and accumulate biomass in a short period of time are essential to achieve the goals you have for your cover crop.

Annual Ryegrass, Daikon Radish, Balansa CloverHairy Vetch, Berseem Clover, Mustard, Buckwheat, Nematode Control Radish, Cereal Rye, Phacelia, Crimson CloverWinter Peas


Beneficial Insectary

Beneficial insects such as lady bugs, ground beetles, and pollinators are natural predators of harmful insects. Planting certain cover crops will attract these helpful insects, thereby lessening the need for costly insecticides.

Balansa CloverHairy Vetch, Berseem CloverMustard,BuckwheatNematode Control RadishPhacelia, Crimson CloverWinter Peas 
Read more about how cover crops can help end pollinator decline.


Erosion Control

The prevention of land degradation by wind and water erosion is an important function of cover crops. Holding soil in place in order to capture and retain moisture from rainfall is one of the first steps in improving its health and productivity.

Annual RyegrassDaikon Radish, Balansa CloverHairy Vetch, Berseem CloverMustard, BuckwheatNematode Control Radish, Cereal Rye, Phacelia, Crimson CloverWinter Peas


Compaction Management

Compaction occurs when soil volume is reduced.  Compacted soil is dense and has low porosity.  Cover Crops with deep, fibrous, or tap-root systems help alleviate compaction by creating root channels and breaking up dense soil and hard pan.

Annual RyegrassCrimson Clover, Balansa CloverDaikon Radish, Berseem Clover, Mustard, BuckwheatNematode Control Radish, Cereal Rye, Winter Peas


Nutrient Recycling

Nutrients left behind by cash crops are at risk of being washed away or purged through the soil strata below the reach of subsequent crops.  Some cover crops are ideally suited to sequester these nutrients, preventing them from being lost.  These valuable nutrients are released back into the soil for the next crop.

Annual RyegrassDaikon Radish, Balansa CloverHairy Vetch, Berseem CloverMustard, BuckwheatNematode Control Radish, Cereal Rye, PhaceliaCrimson CloverWinter Peas

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