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Albion Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass

Drought tolerant ryegrass that produces plentiful, high-quality forage long after other grasses have gone dormant.

Albion hand grab with clover.

Albion Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is changing the way we think about forages in hot, humid, drought stressed climates. Perennial ryegrass is known for its highly nutritional qualities and also for its susceptibility and poor performance under drought stress, limiting its use to cooler more moderate climates. Now there is an exception to the rule, Albion Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass – thriving in the traditional ‘tall fescue only’ regions – completely reshaping the adaptability maps.

Nitrogen Icon

Nitrogen Fixation

icon erosion

Erosion Control

icon weed

Weed Control

icon compaction

Compacted Soils

icon recycling

Nutrient Recycling

Water Management Icon

Water Infiltration

icon quick growth

Quick Growth

icon forage

Quality Forage

icon nematode

Nematode Control

icon insect

Beneficial Insectary

key benefit
Root Structure
Carbon Ratio

Planting Instructions:

Seeding Rate:
25-30 lbs./acre (monoculture)
10-15 lbs./acre (in mixes)
40-45 lbs./acre (monoculture)
20-25 lbs./acre (in mixes)
Planting Depth:
1/8 – 1/2 inch
Ideal Soil:
Loam to heavy clay soils with a pH of 5.0 – 8.0

Albion Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass offers excellent performance in areas that experience drought and high humidity. While ryegrasses are not typically known for drought tolerance, Albion has shown notable success. It produces plentiful, high quality forage long after other grasses have wilted and gone dormant.

Nitrogen Fixation Ability to fix nitrogen into your soil for your subsequent cash crops to utilize as fertilizer for growth and energy  
Weed Suppression Ability to suppress weeds by shading soil and releasing allelopathic chemicals  
Beneficial Insectary Ability to attract beneficial insects and reduce your reliance on costly insecticides  
Forage Quality Ability to improve forage quality by suppressing weeds and providing highly nutritious forage  
Nutrient Recycling Ability to store excess nutrients for use in subsequent cash crops  
Quick Growth Ability to increase soil organic matter by accumulating biomass in a short period of time  
Soil Compaction Ability to increase nutrient uptake and root development by breaking up dense and compacted soil  
Erosion Control Ability to hold soil in place to capture and retain moisture from rainfall and prevent topsoil erosion  
Water Management Ability to increase field productivity by improving the drainage of wet soils  
Nematode Resistance Ability to suppress the growth of nematodes by interrupting their reproductive cycles  
Heat Ability to tolerate heat stress caused by warm temperatures and/or limited water availability  
Drought Ability to tolerate periods of limited water availability  
Sub-Freezing Ability to tolerate freezing temperatures for an extended period of time  
Shade Ability to tolerate low light conditions caused by plant competition  
Flood Ability to tolerate standing water or flooded areas for a limited period of time  
Low Fertility Ability to tolerate soils with limited nitrogen, and other mineral resources necessary for growth  