GO Turf Update

November 12, 2019
GO Seed
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Go Turf updates

GO Turf Update

From topping the NTEP charts to several soon-to-be-released products, the future of GO Turf is looking bright!

Our latest release, Starr Kentucky Bluegrass (GO-2628), is already turning heads. Starr topped the charts at the 2017 NTEP Kentucky bluegrass trials. Highlights of this solid performer include rapid establishment and year-round turf density. Starr’s winter color is superior to that of many elite-type bluegrasses and has early spring green-up characteristics, making this bluegrass one of the best in summer performance available today.

Not only did Starr stand out on the NTEPs, but we have several experimental varieties that were looking great in the trials as well.

You’ll notice several up-and-coming GO products as well as the tried-and-true, Skye Kentucky Bluegass. This elite bluegrass continues to be a favorite of sod farms, homeowners, and turf professionals and is consistently a top performer at NTEP.

Availability for BirminghamFiji 2Milagro, and other GO Turf favorites, is looking good. Fieldman Colin Scott and GO Turf guru, Duane Klundt, visited production fields in late summer and reported that everything was looking great!

Here’s a sneak peek at some other products on the horizon from GO Turf. Ask your GO sales rep for more information!

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