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Starr Kentucky Bluegrass

The #1 Kentucky bluegrass in turfgrass quality and seedling vigor in the most recent National Turfgrass Evaluation Program™

Starr KBG

Starr’s winter color is superior to that of many elite type bluegrasses and has early spring green up characteristics, making this bluegrass one of the best in summer performance available today.

Species Lifespan Root Structure Sunlight pH
Bluegrass Perennial Rhizomatous 8 Hrs Direct Sunlight 5.8-7.0

Planting Instructions:

Seeding Rate: 3 lbs. per 1,000 square feet
Planting Depth: 1/4-1/2 inch
Ideal Soil: Well-drained, fertile soils, in full sunlight


Starr Kentucky Bluegrass topped the charts in the latest National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP™) kentucky bluegrass trials. 

Highlights of this solid performer include rapid establishment and year-round turf density. Starr’s winter color is superior to that of many elite type bluegrasses and has early spring green up characteristics, making this bluegrass one of the best in summer performance available today.


Kentucky bluegrass produces a dense, lush, and durable lawn that is the most commercially valuable cool-season turfgrass in America. It has excellent winter hardiness and vigorous growth during the cool seasons of fall and spring.

Color Dark Green
Texture Medium to Fine
Weed Suppression  
Quick Regrowth  
Disease Resistance  
Traffic Resilience  
Sod Strength  
Germination Speed  


In the 2018 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program ™ trial in Amherst, MA Starr Kentucky Bluegrass (GO-2628) was one of the highest rated products trialed for wear tolerance.

Heat Ability to tolerate heat stress caused by warm temperatures and/or limited water availability  
Drought Ability to tolerate periods of limited water availability  
Sub-Freezing Ability to tolerate freezing temperatures for an extended period of time  
Shade Ability to tolerate low light conditions caused by plant competition  
Flood Ability to tolerate standing water or flooded areas for a limited period of time  



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