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Powering Crops with
Nature's Nitrogen

Cover Crop Crusaders

N-Forcer, once an ordinary plant breeder named Harry Jell, discovered the devastating affects excessive use of synthetic fertilizer was having on soil health. Witnessing the decline of soil fertility and the demise of vital microbes, Harry was determined to find a solution. He dove into research on leguminous cover crops and their natural nitrogen-fixing abilities. One stormy night, while experimenting with some of his powerful legume seeds, a bolt of lightning struck him, imbuing him with the ability to enhance these plants’ powers.

Emerging as N-Forcer, he harnesses the abilities of FIXatioN Balansa Clover, FROSTY Berseem Clover, eNhance Persian Clover, and Survivor Peas, employs these natural heroes to replenish nitrogen levels, revive soil health, reduce carbon intensity, and protect crop yields. N-Forcer tailors his approach to each farm’s unique needs. His mission: to combat the overreliance on synthetic fertilizers and restore balance to farming systems, ensuring thriving fields for generations to come. 

N-Forcer: To the rescue

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When Soil Health is in Jeopardy

My soil is Terrible! The microbes are dying, and my crops are suffering!

Enter the N-Forcer: Restoring crop and soil health with nature's nitrogen!

Fear not! I am the N-Forcer, here to restore balance to your soil with natural nitrogen-fixing cover crops!

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With A keen understanding of Crop Rotation, Climate, & Soil conditions, the N-Forcer formulates a plan.

Every field is unique, time to deploy the right mix of leguminous cover crops!

Fixation Balansa Clover: Providing nitrogen and thriving in tough, even cold and wet conditions!

Fixation Balansa Clover, enrich this soil with natural nitrogen!

Frosty Berseem Clover: Resilient in cold weather, delivering essentials nutrients!

Frosty Berseem Clover, stay strong and keep the soil vibrant!

Enhance Persian Clover: Quick growth and nutrient provision for a healthier soil ecosystem!

Enhance persian clover, spread your roots and fortify this field!

Survivor Peas: Rapid growth and microbe nourishment!

Survivor Peas, grow fast and feed those soil microbes!

And so, the N-Forcer continues his mission, restoring soil health one field at a time.

That's the power of nature's nitrogen! Your soil will stay healthy and productive.

Incredible! My Soil is alive and thriving again, thanks to you, N-Forcer!

Onward to the next farm! Restoring soil health with Nature's Nitrogen!

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Cover Crop Crusaders: Protecting Farms for Future Generations!