Shade Tolerant Orchardgrass Varieties Excellent in Pasture Mixes


Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) is a perennial cool-season bunchgrass that is used for hay and grazing pastures. It is more shade tolerant than most other forage grasses but is less tolerant to continuous grazing than ryegrass or fescue. Excellent for use in mixtures with other grasses and legumes. Orchardgrass is an excellent choice for horse pasture mixes, as it typically is lower in water soluble carbohydrates.

However, GO Seed markets the only High Sugar orchardgrass in the United States. (See Quickdraw below.)

  • Superior Yield
  • Improved Crown Rust Resistance
  • Highly Palatable
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Rapid Regrowth
  • Medium to Late Maturity
  • Superior Yield
  • Improved Crown Rust Resistance
  • Highly Palatable
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Rapid Regrowth
  • High Sugar Grass (HSG)
  • Late Maturity
  • Suitable for Grazing or Haying
  • Features Aggressive Tillering
  • Fast Regrowth
  • Good Drought Tolerance