
A Leader in Seed Research

Since 2000, GO Seed has evaluated over 10,000 lines and more than 200 species from nearly 100 countries. We also test our varieties in diverse climates around the world. We've partnered with firms in Australia, Canada, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, and other nations so we can provide you with the best solutions the world has to offer. At GO Seed, we promise we will continue to search the world over to provide you Novel Solutions for your Growing Concerns. Click to see our research locations.
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Balansa Clover

New to the forage and cover crop scene is our improved balansa variety, FIXatioN! This variety, like all of our products, was inspired and created by the needs of the agricultural community. FIXatioN decreases the need for nitrogen inputs, builds up the soil and breaks up compacted soils for increased water infiltration. In addition to its huge cover crop potential, balansa is a mass yielder, providing a large quantity of dry-matter for livestock. Download the PDF for more information:

Free Cover Crop Basics Book

Have you received your free copy of the NEW Cover Crop Basics, 3rd Edition? Order for yourself, your neighbor, or your soil health event today!